To fuel & inspire the people to keep going by making healthy eating fun & easy.
Our belief is simple- Success is fueled by a healthy body and mind.
More often than not, we see some of the hardest working people neglect their own health and wellbeing in this pursuit.
So we set out to create all-natural superfood blends that are healthy, delicious and most importantly, convenient to make at home or on-the-go
Our offerings include something for everyone- from people looking to get into healthier eating all the way to those who crave variety.
We are on a mission to fuel and empower the go-getters, the movers and the shakers- or as we like to call them Smoovrs and in the process, we hope to inspire them to keep going.

Lee W. Yu
Founder, Smoov Blends

healthy is happy
We truly believe that the key to a better life is a healthier life- which starts with a proper diet. This is why we are proud to share blends that help make a difference in people's lives.
From conventional fruits and vegetables to exotic superfoods, our blends contain a multitude of nutrients that help boost health and make you feel good. So if you are on-the-go, try one of our superfood blends or add a dash of superfoods in your next smoothie. Believe us, your body will thank you.

exotic superfoods
Sweet, tangy, nutty- there are so many special flavors out there and the best part- they're all good for you! So, don't be afraid to push out of your comfort zone and discover the flavors of other cultures.
From the Amazon, Europe, US to Canada, we search the world to bring the exotic to your doorstep, so that you can enjoy some of the most delicious smoothies while reaping all the health benefits. In the spirit of experiencing something new, add a dash of one of our superfood blends into your next smoothie
no substitute for hardwork
We understand life gets busy, work requires your undivided attention and sometimes there's just no way around it. However, that's no reason to let your diet slip through the cracks.
Leave it to us to create something that's healthy, delicious and most importantly, convenient to make. Our superfood blends were meant to be made on-the-go and will keep you going

all things exciting
It’s fun to shake things up and expand your culinary repertoire. Go ahead and share your healthy, delicious and unique creations with friends and family.
New ingredients, vibrant colours, bold flavors––why not inject some of this excitement into your foods. Mix some of our superfood blends into your yogurt or bake with them and invite friends over for rainbow-colored smoothie bowls and other treats- the possibilities are endless.