Possible Allergens

Your Health & Safety is our priority

Although, none of our blends contain gluten, soy or peanuts in them, they may have come in contact during transport or storage. If your allergies are severe, we don't recommend you consume our blends.

Also, our fuel blend is the only blend that contains caffeine (A spoon=A small cup of coffee) and our euphoric blend has cacao which is a stimulant. So if you are extremely sensitive to stimulants, we would avoid these blends. However if you are just slightly sensitive and still choose to use them, we recommend using them in the morning.

The following are possible allergens to watch out for in each blend:

SMOOV Ultimate Health Bundle - Complete Array of Organic, Plant-based Nutrient-Packed Superfoods

Possible Allergens:
- Grass (Wheatgrass, Barley Grass, Alfalfa Grass, Oat Grass)
- Kale

SMOOV Ultimate Health Bundle - Complete Array of Organic, Plant-based Nutrient-Packed Superfoods

Possible Allergens:
- Strawberry
- Raspberry
- Pomegranate

SMOOV Ultimate Health Bundle - Complete Array of Organic, Plant-based Nutrient-Packed Superfoods

Possible Allergens:
- Banana
- Guarana (due to Caffeine sensitivity)

SMOOV Ultimate Health Bundle - Complete Array of Organic, Plant-based Nutrient-Packed Superfoods

Possible Allergens:
- Coconut
- Cinnamon

SMOOV Ultimate Health Bundle - Complete Array of Organic, Plant-based Nutrient-Packed Superfoods

Possible Allergens:
- Coconut

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